Saturday, October 20, 2012

Why You Should Think About Hormones in Your 20's and 30's

The word “hormones” probably causes one of two images to appear in your mind –a pimple ridden teenager or an old woman waving off hot flashes.  Neither of these apply to you, so why should you worry about hormones? Read on to find out how your hormones may be making you sick and unable to concentrate - even in your twenties and thirties!

We have all heard of Menopause, but few women are aware of the symptoms involved with perimenopause – the period of 10-15 years before you even begin menopause.  Perimenopause, also referred to as pre-menopause, may be responsible for an astonishing number of symptoms in women as early as your late twenties! Perimenopausal hormone irregularity happens as the delicate balance of hormones becomes out of whack, often made worse by environmental influences, unhealthy foods, and pollutants.

Symptoms of Perimenopause
Perimenopause symptoms are very different from menopause symptoms.  This is because menopause is triggered by low estrogen levels, while perimenopause is triggered by high estrogen levels and low progesterone levels, referred to as estrogen dominance.  Women who are estrogen dominant may experience a wide range of symptoms including sore fibrous breasts, muscle pain, anxiety, irregular periods, foggy memory, weight gain, and insomnia.  Untreated estrogen dominance may also lead to cervical cancer, heart problems, and an increased risk for strokes.

Hormones and the Thyroid
Researchers have found that estrogen levels have a direct effect on the thyroid; too much or too little estrogen may cause weight gain and other thyroid problems.  Regular hormone balance combined with healthy eating habits should ensure normal weight with little fluctuation.  Abnormal weight gain or weight fluctuation may indicate a thyroid problem and could be related to perimenopause.

Why Your Mother Didn’t Warn You
Don’t worry, she probably isn’t keeping you in the dark on purpose! Research on perimenopause as a separate and different experience from menopause has only surfaced in last ten years or so.  Some doctors have also stipulated that perimenopausal symptoms are worse now than they were for prior generations because of hormones in food and toxicity in the environment.  What may be recognized as perimenopause now may have been diagnosed as a depressive or anxiety disorder even a few years ago.  Often, women dismiss symptoms of perimenopause as natural effects of aging. 

Perimenopause and Relationships
If stress, pain, anxiety and weight gain aren’t relationship downers, then we don’t know what is! If you search “perimenopause” on the internet you will find a lot of women discussing symptoms and treatment – and also a surprising number of men! Many husbands and boyfriends may be relieved that the symptoms their significant other are enduring can be identified and treated.  Some websites and apps offer hormone tracking calendars that help both men and women identify the stages in a women’s cycle and what symptoms they may be experiencing.  

Ask Your Doctor
Perimenopause symptoms can be misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia, generalized anxiety disorder, and chronic fatigue syndrome.  If you experience symptoms you think may be related to perimenopause, ask your doctor for a hormone level test (done using blood or saliva) and a thyroid test.  If you have a hormone imbalance, be sure to ask your doctor about the benefits of using bio-identical hormone treatments in place of synthetic hormone treatments, which are known to have harsh side effects.  New research has even shown hormonal changes effecting oral health, so you may want to talk to your dentist if you are experiencing dry mouth or symptoms of periodontal disease.